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Family Sayings and Wisdom

Don't get blood on the carpet.

Is this the hill you want to die on?

Don't ascribe to malice what can be explained by ignorance ( or incompetence ).

Life is good, considering your options. (AKA Green side of the grass, it's a good day!)

Don't let school interfere with your education.

Don't do stupid, stupid hurts.

Man up like Grandma ( AKA getting old is not for sissies )

The key to happiness is low expectations (AKA Strive for adequacy)

You can pretend to care, but you can't pretend to show up.

Aren't you glad life isn't fair? If it was, every bad thing that happened to you, you'd deserve!

Poor planning on your part doesn't constitute an emergency on my part.

Blood, fire, or flood? (if not, don't interrupt)

familywisdom.1708386183.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/02/19 23:43 by doku1admin9

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